Pandora’s Box

This back-lit box changes brightness and blink rate based on the VIX volatility index (a loose proxy for chaos), using data from the twelvedata API. I created two versions of the container (above and below).

The project served as a personal proof of concept. I find the world’s increasing complexity daunting and fascinating—my hope is functional totems like this might enable more intuitive, accessible, and playful relationships with the immense impersonal systems that influence our lives.

A friend recommended the API, provided feedback on the appearance, and looked over my wiring. I also used this raspberry pi tutorial by David Ordnung and varied stack overflow Python discussions. Otherwise, this was an independent project completed in November of 2021.

This Python script regularly retrieves a VIX index value and updates brightness and blink rate of the backlight:

 DIY CRISPR gene editing kit

by Josiah Zayner and The ODIN (photos by permission)

This kit enables anyone to complete and test a basic gene edit using the CRISPR system. I assembled, shipped, and taught the use of these kits for months—this included setting up our first stocked parts and garage assembly line, as well as editing and formatting the user instructions. It’s an accessible and empowering tool (some say too much so). 

 Tabling at an SF maker fair.  


Fluorescent Brewer’s Yeast Kit

by Josiah Zayner and The ODIN

I conducted early research for this kit by testing the growth and selection of GFP edited yeast in varied fermentable mediums, such as wert (unfermented beer) mixtures and grape juice (unfermented wine). 

Improving A Perspective from Silicon Valley

This report from June of 2017 looked at the interface for public engagement with the federal regulatory process and recommended specific improvements. It was well read and impactful. Colleagues developed and wrote the design change recommendations. I conducted the underlying research and much of the additional writing and editing.

Systems lenses I love: